Dar Rala

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Tahini & Karob Molasses Apple Cake


For the apple mix:

- 2 large apples sliced into quarters 

- 2 tablespoons melted unsalted butter 

- 2 tablespoons cinnamon 

For the batter:

- 3 eggs 

- 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 

- zest of one lemon 

- 1/4 cup karob molasses (or any molasses you prefer)

- 1/4 cup tahini 

- 1/2 cup honey 

- 1/2 cup whole plain yogurt 

- 1/2 cup melted unsalted butter 

- 1 1/2 all-purpose Flour sifted 

- 2 teaspoons baking powder 

- 1/2 teaspoon salt 


- Preheat your oven to 350F.

- In a medium bowl mix the apple slice, the 2 tablespoons butter, and cinnamon. In a round 9” baking pan, arrange the apple slices in a circular shape to cover the bottom of the pan, leaving no gaps in between.

- In a large bowl mix with a hand mixer the eggs, vanilla, and lemon zest on high speed for 3 minutes. 

- Add the wet ingredients, karob molasses, tahini, honey, yogurt, and butter. Mix for 1 minute.

- Add the dry ingredients, flour, baking powder, and salt. Gold with a spatula until we’ll combined without over mixing.

- Add the batter gently to the apple pan. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes.

- Let it cool down for 15 minutes, flip into serving plate.